Interactief Computer Museum

The HomeComputerMuseum is a 1000+ m² interactive computer museum. It covers the history of the home computer, from the very first home computer to modern variants in the late 90s and beyond.

In our museum you will find various spaces that are decorated in style by era with various accessories from that time. So it's more than a computer museum, it's a journey through time through computer history.

There are several generations of game computers and arcade cabinets in our Arcade room.

Brands such as Atari, Commodore, IBM, Olivetti, Philips, Sony, Tulip, Acorn, Sinclair, Tandy and many others are ready to play.

A day of recollection and fun for young & old!

"To Create the Future, We Must Understand the Past"

The HomeComputerMuseum has responsibility to collect, preserve and restore computers, peripherals, software and documentation in the original state when possible. So that the knowledge, innovation and cultural value of these objects are not lost or forgotten to future generations.

1977 the era of the home computer


Apple II

De Apple II is geïntroduceerd op 5 juni 1977 en is het eerste consu­menten product van Apple.
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Tandy TRS-80 Model I

De Tandy TRS80 is geïntroduceerd op 3 augustus 1977 door Tandy en is uitgerust met een Zilog Z80 processor.
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Commodore PET 2001

De Commodore PET 2001 is geïntroduceerd in januari 1977 door Commodore en is de eerste personal computer.
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