Hardware Leasing
Do you have a valuable computer that you don't really want to get rid of, but you do want to show it in a museum? The HomeComputerMuseum offers a possibility for this.
All objects that are displayed in the museum are borrowed. Most computers are borrowed from the Computer Heritage Foundation, but also from universities, companies, and individuals.
The big advantage of lending to the HomeComputerMuseum is that computers are maintained and, where possible, are switched on to prevent damage from downtime. As an extra advantage, people can also enjoy or view them optimally.
Agreements are made on paper about what happens to the loan:
- Can visitors come to it?
- Can HomeComputerMuseum switch on the machine and repair it if necessary?
- Is it a temporary loan or a permanent loan?
The object remains your property, so you decide. Do you want the object back in your home? No problem. You can also always visit the machine and therefore get a permanent access card to the museum. Your name will also be mentioned, if desired, at the object as being the owner.
If you wish to make use of one of the possibilities, please feel free to contact us and we will provide you with an answer within 24 hours. Thanks in advance for considering that your computer(s) will be in the largest interactive computer museum in the Benelux.