Miles Gordon Technology
Miles Gordon Technology, abbreviated as MGT, was a small British company that gained prominence, particularly in the 1980s. The company initially specialized in developing high-quality expansions for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
An important advancement was a disk interface for the ZX Spectrum that allowed standard diskette drives to be used on a ZX Spectrum. The latter recognized the new drive as a standard drive of the ZX Spectrum.
The revenue from these expansions was used for the development of the SAM Coupé. This was essentially a ZX Spectrum with a significantly improved sound chip and video chip. It was released in 1989.
Despite the technical advantage over the Sinclair, releasing an 8-bit computer in 1989 was not the best choice, and the computer did not achieve widespread success. The company sold the rights to the disk interface to Datel Electronics Limited, hoping to continue the computer’s development. It worked temporarily, but in 1992, the company went bankrupt.