Kaypro 10

The Kaypro 10 is one of the first computers that came standard with a hard disk. It is 10 MB in size and in addition there is a single DS/DD 5.25" diskette drive.

Kaypro 10

The Kaypro 10 is one of the first computers that came standard with a hard disk. It is 10 MB in size and in addition there is a single DS/DD 5.25" diskette drive.

There are two versions, including one with a real-time clock (National MM58167 chip) and a built-in modem (300 baud, Belle System 103 compatibility)

The Kaypro 10 comes with a relatively large number of programs: The Perfect software suite (Perfect Writer, Perfect Calc, Perfect Filer), WordStar (word processor), dBase II (database), Superterm (terminal emulator) and two BASICs (Microsoft's BASIC and SBASIC, a compiler version written by Gilbert, Kaypro's head of software engineering.).

Catalog type
Portable computer
Release Date
March 1983
Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz
10MB HDD, 5,25" DS/DD
Operation System


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