Junior Computer
The Elektor Junior Computer was a simple 6502-based microprocessor development board published in the 1980s in the Dutch, German, and later French, Spanish, British, and Indian versions of Elektor/Elektor, in the form of a series of articles and four books. It was developed by the German engineer Loys Nachtmann.
Junior Computer
The Elektor Junior Computer was a simple 6502-based microprocessor development board published in the 1980s in the Dutch, German, and later French, Spanish, British, and Indian versions of Elektor/Elektor, in the form of a series of articles and four books. It was developed by the German engineer Loys Nachtmann.
The Junior computer design was published by Elektor/Elektor from 1980 onwards. It was published in a series of magazine articles, four books and several so-called paperware A4 booklets. Loys Nachtmann designed and developed the Junior Computer. GH Nachbar provided the Dutch translation of the German books. The 4 Junior books have also been translated into English, German, Spanish, Italian and French.
The Junior design is strongly inspired by the hardware of the KIM-1 (or call it a clone..), the floppy interface design is based on the Ohio Scientific OS65D design. It was supplied as a kit or could be built from only printed circuit boards sold by Elektor. Many hobbyists have built one. Later expanded with a modified version of the 8K KB9 Basic and even a disk operating system (Ohio Scientific DOS OS65D).
Articles in the magazine Elektuur en Boeken (1-4), a 6522 book in the same series, have been published in Dutch, English, French and German.
Quickly adopted by the Dutch KIM User Club because it was so close to the KIM-1. In the later days, the number of Junior Computer users outnumbered KIM-1 users and the nature of the club changed from professional users to a hobby club. It also spawned the DOS65 operating system for the Elektor 6502 CPU board
The developments after the Junior design in Elektor Electronics have led to the EC65(K).