Commodore MPS‑802

The original name of the printer was VIC-1526 resp. 1526. Both printers MPS-802 and 1526 are identical except for the labels on the front and back.

Commodore MPS‑802

The original name of the printer was VIC-1526 resp. 1526. Both printers MPS-802 and 1526 are identical except for the labels on the front and back.

The Commodore printer CBM 4023 resp. 4023 is mechanically identical to the MPS 802, but has an IEEE-488-interface instead of the serial IEC-interface.

For the MPS-802, two extensions are known. The first, called SUPER-ROM, was published in the German magazine 64'er. The MPS-802 has 9 needles, the hardware can operate only 8 of them. So there is also a little hardware modification necessary. In addition to some bugfixes the printer knows now 8 ESC/P-commands for graphic printing. The second one is the GRAFIK-ROM II and was available for 78,- DM. It contains support for 19 MPS-801 commands and 3 ESC/P commands for graphic printing.

Catalog type
Output device
Release Date
June 1984

Museum Collection

Set up.
